Nick Cullen discusses golfs’ multiple major winner Tiger Woods’

Andy Goldberg Talks to Mark Porter on BBC radio 4 about the Ankle replacement vs ankle fusion (TARVA) trial

Radio 4 interview


Anyone for squash? Nick Cullen and Andy Goldberg discuss the rigours of squash in 'The Mayfair' Magazine.


'High Praise!' Nick Cullen and Mark Herron discuss the positives of high heel shoes! in "vantage' magazine


Marathon training from the rookie to the elite athlete: a foot and ankle surgeons view, Practice Matters Magazine

Nick Cullen treats Olympic Gold medallist hurdler Liu Xiang Achilles rupture


Nick Cullen discusses the use of the "smart-toe" a revolutionary method of toe fixation that allows patients to return to their normal shoes after toe surgery, without the need for wires.


It's long been known that women who wear high-heels on a daily basis risk ankle and foot damage but now medical specialists can show high-heel wearers exactly how the shoes are impacting their health.

BBC News: Andy Goldberg presents Europes' first and only weight bearing 3D CT scanner based at the RNOH Stanmore and the future of footwear!





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